Section 01

"Man communicates via the written word.”
Nature abhors a vacuum:
with the same intensity it abhors new ideas. (CRS)

No Federal or Public Funds have been used in any aspect of the initial studies, manuscript preparation or final formulation of this theory or in support of this website:

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or “motor neuron disease” was initially described in a single patient in 1824, but definitively recognized as a distinct entity in 1867 by the French Neurologist, Charcot. ALS was essentially unknown until 1939, when it afflicted Lou Gehrig, then one of the best recognized baseball players in the world. Gehrig died 25 months to the day he took himself out of the Yankee starting lineup “for the good of the team” at age 37. His death was the result of progressive muscle weakness typically seen in patients with ALS depriving him of the strength to breathe and swallow.

Additionally, there are an innumerable number of patients with nonvascular forms of senile dementias, (hereafter to be named: Primary Dementias) all without known cause or cure. These diseases are characterized by variable, but progressive loss of social skills and memory. A relatively high percent of patients with Primary Dementia insidiously progress to develop Alzheimer’s disease over a period of 5-10 years. The varieties of symptoms present in patients with Primary Dementia are sufficiently amorphous to preclude meaningful classification or enumeration.

Dr. Alzheimer publically presented the clinical details of Auguste D. (Dyer) at a local medical meeting in Germany in 1906-7. Auguste “D” developed dramatic and progressive memory loss with associated erratic and psychotic behavior beginning in her forties .She was the first patient to have clinical and pathological findings now recognized to be diagnostic of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s exist in an estimated 35-45 million patients in the world including 5.4 – 5.7 million Americans. It continues to be the single most expensive disease to treat in view of the fact that nearly 100% of afflicted patients require terminal domiciliary nursing care for several years prior to their death. The Japanese government has estimated that the cost of caring for their patients with Alzheimer’s approximates 1% of their gross national product. (5 Trillion US dollars)

The "Liver-Brain-Theory” is the single most comprehensive and testable theory ever developed. It is now published attempting to explain the origin(s) of any or all types of degenerative brain diseases known to exist.

The author openly predicts that many of these heretical ideas will prove relevant, if not prescient. Currently it is virtually impossible to find a reputable medical journal willing to publish any new ideas or theories relevant to neurodegenerative brain diseases: even a simple theory as short as 134 words in length was rejected by two prominent medical journals as recently as September, 2014. As of today there are no testable published theories under consideration anywhere attempting to account for the cause(s) or origin of neurodegenerative brain diseases

This web site will encourage and welcome other investigators an opportunity to publish their own ideas concerning any other possible causes of neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally this site will provide a public forum for other thoughtful and knowledgeable individuals to exchange ideas without concern of being ridiculed. Should we be able to reason together, more cogent and relevant theories pertinent to these debilitating diseases will most likely be developed within a year or two.

Despite the fact that physicians have been aware of ALS, an inevitably fatal disease, for nearly two hundred years & Alzheimer’s disease for 109 years, no one including the: National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Nervous and Mental Diseases, the Alzheimer's Association, ALS Association, any reputable Medical Journal or any Neurology Group, Society or Organization has had the courage or knowledge to publish a testable theory accounting for the Inciting Cause and Progressive Nature for Any or All Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases!

The author chooses to classify “Age Related Macular Degeneration as a Distinct Variant of Degenerative Brain disease as the macular of the eye is composed of extra cranial brain cells with the unique ability to recognize light and colors which are transmitted to the intra cranial brain and stored in memory cells with extraordinary precision over time “photographic memory”.

Senile Macular Degeneration does not appear to effect longevity as a general rule but is of unknown cause which may well afflict 1% of the senior citizens leading to blindness in some.

The author was not at all surprised to recently learn that J. Ahn recently recognized retinal thinning in many Parkinson’s patients as it only serves to support his decision to classify age related macular degeneration with the other better known degenerative brain diseases.(19)

The publication of this theory is provided as a public service by SutureCut® Llc.

Posted on line: May 26, 2015 Last revision: 8/19/2018

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