Proposed Classification

A Proposed Working Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases

  1. Parkinson’s: James Parkinson, First described: 1817
  2. ALS: Case report: Dr. Charles Bell, London England, 1824
  3. Multiple Sclerosis: Dr. Jean Martin Charcot, France, 1868
  4. ALS: Formal description: Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot, France, 1876
  5. Alzheimer’s: Dr. Alois Alzheimer, Bavaria, Germany, 1906-1907
  6. Age Related Macular Degeneration: 1960’s-(Estimated, (19)

The Premise of this Heretical Theory:
Is that each of these
Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases
Has a Common Cause:
Hepatic Generated Neurotoxins
Multiple revisions: 2015-2018

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